Mbloc Carbon Ojective
Environmental Impact Analysis Statement
Net Zero Targets
With modern government targets of achieving Net-Zero by 2050 there are big changes afoot with the building sector. CO2emissions to heat an average house were measured at 2745kg per year in 2017[1]. To hit government targets this must be reduced by 95% to 138kg per household.
U Values
U values are used to measure how easily heat can travel through a certain material and, in the case of houses, structures. The properties of all the layers of construction are added to provide the total U value of that structure be it the wall, roof or floor. The lower the U value the less heat is lost and, therefore, less heat is needed to maintain the required temperature within the building. U values of properties have increased significantly over time. However, the majority still fall short of current standards. Mbloc structures meet the highest current guidelines with ease achieving the following U values 0.16W/m2K (Wall), 0.11W/m2K (roof), 0.18W/m2K (Floor).
Embedded Carbon
Mbloc philosophy is to reduce the environmental impact of our structures wherever possible. The construction methods that produce the most CO2 are the use of concrete and brick/blockwork. We have reduced the use of these materials we have removed the requirement of all brick and block products and have currently reduced the use of concrete by over 70%. Additionally all materials meet BRE Green Guide criteria and are readily recyclable. We are currently working with new foundation techniques using screw piles to remove the use of concrete completely.
Carbon emissions and the amount of embedded carbon levels are optimised within this structure. This puts us ahead of the majority of the current new housing market and already meeting projected required government standards. The use of renewable technologies and innovative tank and paint systems as well as the pursuit of emerging green technologies continuing to add to the sustainability of the Mbloc concept.
[1] https://energysavingtrust.org.uk/significant-changes-are-coming-uk-heating-market/#:~:text=Energy%20Catapult%20Analysis%20shows%20that,to%20692%20kg%20CO2%20annually.